County of Sacramento
About Sacramento County
Sacramento County is home to the capital of California and encompasses approximately 994 square miles of the Central Valley, California’s prime agricultural region. A diverse business mix, 1.5 million residents (500,000 of which reside in the unincorporated County), world-class universities and proximity to lawmakers make the County a premier location for new and expanding businesses. The County features a wide range of shovel-ready sites prime for development, including some within federal Opportunity Zones, and one-stop business development services. Employees can find housing options from urban lofts to rural acreage within Sacramento County and enjoy our 15,000 acres of regional parks, Farm-to-Fork restaurants and world-class museums and theaters.
Success Stories

Siemens Mobility
Advanced Manufacturing / Mobility
Established in Sacramento in 1984, the growing 60-acre manufacturing campus employs over 1,500, up from 1,000 in 2016.
Connect with Sacramento County

For direct local assistance:
Crystal Bethke
Director of Economic Development, Sacramento County
916-874-8606 I bethkec@saccounty.gov